So here are some promised pictures from the Ancient technique days in Kurala!

It has been a interesting day  at Kurala. It has been quite windy, our tent was lifted off the ground at one point, and that had some impact on todays work. I desided to make myself a spoon. So I startet with half a log from our stash (a piece of the birch we cut down last week) and split it to get just the material i needed. Then i started to carv out the rough shape of a spoon with an axe. I got it quite close to the shape I´m aiming for, the rest I have, and will carve out with my knife. There´s one exeption though. The spoon shape in itself, the carved out bit where the food is supposed to go, that I´ll do by burning it out with red hot coals. I got a lot of help with keeping the spoon in place, the wind out and not setting fire to the tent by classmates and the occational passer by. I hope I´ll get more pictures later but it is kind of hard; taking pictures while holding hot coals on a spoon while blowing air to the contactpoint with a reed. It is a lot of fun though!